Saturday, November 26, 2011

Commuting Does Note Equal Training

I've am now over 5 months into my year without a car.  Every day involves 12-25 miles of commuting around town on a heavy bike.  Its a great way to get in some exercise and an even better way to get around town!  But without some serious attention commuting can hurt serious training.
My legs are often tired from the commute and my motivation to get out on the road bike has been lacking.  A rigorous 60+ mile ride was a weekly routine 6 months ago but not even a possibility at my current state of conditioning.  The struggle is in finding the best times to get in longer, or even shorter/intense rides.  At one level it is also an issue of discipline.
So here is the thought - keep on commuting (not a choice) but add in one long ride on the weekend (building back up to 60+ miles) and one hour-long ride at a high tempo during the week.  I'll post later with any updates!

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